Monday, December 18, 2017

Leah's Seed Story

1)What have you learned?
Leah learned how to care for a plant, the different types of reactions a plant goes through, how they are a major part of the world, and their interactions to the environment.

2)What's surprised you?
Leah was surprised on how fast her plant grew, and how they had holes in them because bugs were always eating them. Also, she was surprised by all that different cycles the plant was a part of.

3)What made you laugh?
What made her laugh was working with her team mates,i creating all the labs with their plants, and planting them and tending to them. Also, documenting and checking on their cabbage. The whole experience was fun and memorable.

4)What caused you to think a little deeper?
What made her think more was all the labs they did with their pants because before that she had no idea what went on inside of plants. All of the labs and lessons helped open my eyes to see how much plants go through and how they contribute a lot to the environment we live in.

5)Questions you have?
How did the chickens escape their coop? How did our plants grow so quickly?

Grace Slone's interview

Grace Slone’s story of the seed interview: blog post #5
By Gabriella Lasserre, P-1

For this blog post, I interviewed Grace Slone from our first period class. Upon asking her what she learned so far in this class this semester, she said she learned that competition doesn’t necessarily mean the consumption of one organism by another. The thing that surprised Grace was that in our first experiment, when we added chlorophyll to the mix the plant did not grow. What made Grace think deeper was how all organisms and chemical cycles are related and have an affect on one another. Something that made Grace laugh in the class was how everyone was lighthearted and kind, and always cracking jokes to lighten the mood. Overall, Grace had a good experience in the first semester of honors biology and learned many new things she didn’t know before.     


Sam's Seed Story

What have you learned?

"I learned about the carbon cycle, water cycle, nitrogen cycle, competition between plants in the garden, and how seeds germinate."

What surprised or amazed you?

"I was surprised that plants can grow in a variety of different condition whether it's in competition, upside-down, or in limited space."

What made you laugh?

"I laughed when I found out how much grass we had to cut because I thought it was excessive."

What made you pause and think a little deeper?

"When my kohlrabi plant wasn't growing as fast or as much as the other plants I had to think what factors were affecting it."`

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Sydney's Seed Story

            Sydney has learned many thing while doing her seed project like how plants need light, carbon dioxide, and water to grow correctly and that if you add more chlorophyll to your plant it will not grow. What made her laugh was naming her plants and messing around with her friends in this group. Some things that surprised her is that her plants took 5 days to sprout and that breaking the ends of the roots on there plants they still grew. While she was doing her project a few things made think deep like how long does plants take to fully grow up and how making plants work you need a constant supply of water and carbon dioxide.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Enzyme Lab Report

Group 1-1 Names
JT Wellman,  Gabriella Lasserre, Katarina Myers,  Lupe Castillo

In this lab, we decided to investigate the effect of environment factors on the enzyme hydrogen peroxidase. To do that we decided to test the substrate concentration and how it affects the enzyme’s productivity. For this we used ripgut brome grass(bromus diandrus), substrate and water.

  • 5 to 10 grams of freshly picked ripgut brome grass (Bromus diandrus) blades (about 1 handful)
  • Digital balance (scale)
  • Mortar and pestle
  • 3 100-liter glass or plastic beakers
  • 1 mL or 5 mL syringe
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Glass test tubes
  • Test tube rack or holder
  • Safety glasses

1) Gather materials
2) Put on safety glasses
3) Set up your lab with materials.
4) Weigh the brome grass to make sure it is between 5 to 10 grams
5) Grind the grass with the mortar and pestle
6) Pour the solution into 5 test tubes
7)Then we pour different amounts of the hydrogen peroxide ( 10%, 20%, 40%, 50%, 80% ) in the test tubes
8) Measure and record the height of the reaction
9) Write data results and conclusion


If the substrate concentration increases then the rate of enzymatic reactions will increase to a certain point then steady out.

Independent Variable: substrate concentration

Dependent Variable: peroxidase

Controlled Variables: temperature, pH, enzyme concentration

We chose this because when substrate concentration goes higher, it increases enzyme productivity because there are more substrates to work on.


We are going to test how enzymes are affected when the controlled variable of substrate is added to the equation. We will be testing this by running 5 different experiments and placing varying amounts of hydrogen peroxide in each to see the result and record it.

Data and Results:

At 80% of substrate concentration with 5 ml of enzymes solution we found that we had 6 ml of peroxidase in 10 minutes. At 50% of substrate concentration with 5 ml of enzymes solution we found that we had 9 ml of peroxidase in 10 minutes. At 40% of substrate concentration with 5 ml of enzymes solution we found that we had 10 ml of peroxidase. At 20% substrate concentration with 5 ml of enzymes solution we found that we had 8 ml of peroxidase in 10 minutes. At 10% of substrate concentration with 5 ml of enzymes solution we found that we had  3.5 ml of peroxidase in 10 minutes.


Many steps were taken in order for us to achieve our results for this lab. By the end of the lab, we analyzed the results and concluded that increasing substrate concentration increases enzyme productivity. However, at a certain point, the productivity decreases. As seen in our data, we got the most results of ml of peroxidase at 50% substrate concentration. 50% substrate concentration gave us 9ml of peroxidase.